Correctional Health:

Richland County Health Department provides nursing services to the inmates at the Richland County Jail under a contract with Richland County Correctional Facility.

The nursing services address the necessary medical needs of inmates.

Emergency Preparedness:

Knowing what to expect during a disaster and the steps to take during an emergency is the key to protecting yourself and your family.  When a disaster strikes you may have only a short time to respond or prepare.  The effects of a disaster can be sudden and devastating. 

Richland County Health Department collaborates with six counties in the Southeast Region to plan for Public Health emergencies.  The counties include Ransom, Sargent, Trail, Steele, and Cass.

The Emergency Preparedness group focuses on planning, training, and conducting training exercises for all public health-related emergencies such as bioterrorism, pandemic flu, and natural disasters.  They also provide educational materials on preparing for emergencies at home and at work.

Emergency Notifications: Know how to get emergency information from multiple locations and know why the sirens sound.

Richland County uses an emergency notification system called Everbridge. In order to receive alerts, you must sign-up and keep your information up-to-date.

Emergency Prep List

Communication Plan: Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to plan in advance how you will contact one another; how you will get back together, and what you will do in different situations.  Fill out a family communications plan.

RCHD Health Promotions Staff:

Contact Us:

To enroll in the program or for more information, please call contact Carol Lee, RN, BSN, at 701-642-7735. 

For more information on Emergency Preparedness visit: 

To general inquiries, go to our Contact Us page.

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