Immunization & Testing

Richland County Health Department offers the following immunizations Monday through Friday by appointment and walk-ins are welcome everyday:

HIV & Hepatitis C Program is Free and confidential for those clients at risk for these diseases.

Tests are done with a finger stick blood sample and results are ready in 20 minutes!

Ryan White Part B Program provides services to low-income HIV-positive ND residents.

HPV (human papillomavirus) Vaccine

A vaccine that prevents infection by certain types of human papillomavirus. Available HPV vaccines protect against either two, four, or nine types of HPV. All HPV vaccines protect against at least HPV types 16 and 18, which cause the greatest risk of cervical cancer.

Tuberculosis (TB) Program offers TB testing to high-risk clients in corrections, refugees, migrants, homeless persons, persons who have lived in TB endemic countries, and persons that are contacts of an active TB case.

ND Department of Health
HIV Program

For more information about HIV, check out ND Health website

ND Health – HIV

HIV Fact Sheet

ND Department of Health
TB Program

For more information about Tuberculosis, check out ND Health website

ND Health – TB

Information About ND Immunizations

North Dakota Law

North Dakota law (Century Code 23-07-17.1) states that a child may not be admitted to any public or private school, daycare, Headstart program, or preschool unless the child’s parent or guardian shows proof that the child has received the required immunizations.

Below are links to download a PDF of the current requirements:

ND School Immunization Requirements

ND School Immunization Requirements – Spanish

ND Childcare Immunization Requirements

We provide immunizations for all ages, adults, and children. We are a Vaccine for Children (VFC) provider. This is a federal program that provides vaccines for children ages 18 and younger who are either Native American, Medicaid-eligible, uninsured, or underinsured.  Richland County Health Department is available to come to your place of business to administer adult immunizations – please call 701-642-7735 to inquire.

Information on immunizations

RCHD Health Promotions Staff:

Contact Us:

For more information on Vaccines, Immunizations and testing go to: visit:

To general inquiries, go to our Contact Us page.

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